
Sustainable - Flexible - Partnership-based

Alu-met is a producer and supplier of high quality aluminum extrusion billets. The company includes two production sites: Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt (Germany) and Speedline Aluminium-Gießerei GmbH (Austria). The two plants have a total annual capacity of 180,000 tons of extrusion billets for the Central European market. Our employees ensure on-time and reliable deliveries. For the group of companies, the satisfaction of our customers, partners and workforce is in our focus.


Alu-met GmbH

Bundesstraße 12

A-6714 Nüziders

+43 5552 63679 0




Dr. Gerhard Anger

Dr. Gerhard Anger

Managing Director

Alexander Sala

Head of Sales

Stefan Deuschle

Stefan Deuschle

Head of Purchasing & Stock Exchange

Patrick Fuchs

Patrick Fuchs

Head of Finance / Procurator

Ownership Structure


Management Policy

Principles of our management policy

For us, the management policy forms one of the foundations of our entrepreneurial activities. We are aware that compliance with this policy and the achievement of our corporate goals can only be ensured by informed, committed and competent employees. We therefore ensure that all employees are involved in the improvement processes within the scope of their capabilities and assignments and that they are provided with the necessary resources to perform their tasks. The continuous improvement of our performance underlies our daily activities. The adoption of the management policy by the management means that the plant's workforce is responsible for quality assurance and environmental protection. Our management system is successful because it is supported by all employees. We maintain an open dialogue with all social groups . In particular, we work cooperatively with authorities, specialized service providers and social organizations in order to meet tomorrow's requirements today.

The management policy is based on four pillars.

Pillar one: Occupational safety , health protection and social standards

Ensuring the safety of our employees and maintaining our social standards is our top priority. All processes and actions must be subordinate to ensuring the safety of employees and service providers. We actively practice preventive occupational safety and thoroughly analyze unsafe conditions, near misses and accidents. The management is designed to keep the sensitivity at the highest level . We respect and protect human rights, ensure and promote equal opportunities and prevent any form of discrimination and exploitation in all our business processes. Active and preventive occupational health and safety to maintain the health and working capacity of employees and provide safe and healthy workplaces.

Pillar two: Environmental protection

The protection of the environment and the sustainable use of resources and the reduction of waste are of central importance to us. Waste is recycled wherever possible. Through continuous improvement of our management system as well as process optimization, based on the implementation of improved standards or investments, we increase our environmental performance and achieve a constant reduction of specific C02 emissions. Due to our specialization as an aluminum remelting plant, we use secondary aluminum and return it to a new use cycle. The resulting reduction in energy consumption is approximately 18 times lower than if primary aluminum were used.

Pillar three: Product quality

The quality of our products is based on the needs of our customers. The quality is subject to continuous optimization and improvement , so that our customers our products with high reliability and best processing properties pass through the customers' processes. Through stable and most precisely defined standards and measuring equipment we achieve a high process stability, which avoids non-achievement of the quality specifications.

Pillar four: Energy efficiency

Effizienter Energieeinsatz - Schonung der Energieressourcen und Optimierung der Produktionkosten ist zentraler Bestanteil unserer Managementpolitik. Die Steigerung der energiebezogenen Leistung ist das oberste Ziel des Energiemanagementsystems . Wir unterstützen die Beschaffung energieeffizienter Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Auswirkungen auf unsere energiebezogene Leistung haben . Dabei berücksichtigen wir die Auslegung der zu beschaffenden Produkte und Leistungen. Durch kontinuierliche Optimierung unserer Anlagen und Prozesse wollen wir Energieverschwendung vermeiden und unsere Produktionskosten senken. Dabei erleichtert eine regelmäßige und genaue Erm ittlung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energieleistungskennzahlen die Identifikation von Optimierungspotentialen. Die Reduktion des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs ist durch jährlich aktualisierte Zielvorgaben für Erdgas, Strom, Diesel und Sauerstoff definiert. Das Managementsystem regelt die Erreichung der Ziele und schafft ein konstruktives Umfeld, welches es allen Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, zur erfolgreichen Zielerfüllung beizutragen. Durch regelmäßige Überprüfungen und Begehungen wird die Einhaltung dieser Unternehmenspolitik im betrieblichen Alltag überprüft. Die Managementpolitik und alle einschlägigen Anforderungen bezüglich des Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutzes , der Eneregieeffizienz, des Energieverbrauchs und des Energieeeinsatzes sowie andere Verpflichtungen sind von jedem Mitarbeiter einzuhalten.

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Code of Conduct

Our goal is to provide our customers with high quality extrusion billets while complying with legal, sustainable and ethical principles. Alu-Met GmbH is committed to its corporate responsibility in relation to its activities as a company. This concerns in particular the responsibility regarding working conditions and respect for the environment and society. Our goal is that our products contain only raw materials and materials that have been mined and produced without violating human rights and environmental standards. This essentially refers to valid laws and social norms and serves to ensure working conditions, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption.

The following guiding principles specify our corporate policy:

The well-being, health, information security and data protection of our employees, suppliers and customers take priority in all decisions. A high and optimized process stability is the basic prerequisite for meeting the agreed delivery dates, achieving the specified product quality and manufacturing with minimal environmental impact. We achieve this through

· the cooperation and community thinking of all sites

· constant process optimization and

· the optimal use of the given resources

Compliance with all laws, standards and regulations is a self-evident obligation for us; we also communicate this to our business partners. ALU-MET follows the social standard with its principles

· to respect human rights and

· fair working conditions and the rules on

· Fighting corruption and

· collusion in violation of antitrust law

Responsible Procurement

This guideline defines the criteria for purchasing. The guideline serves as a standard for all procurement processes.

Responsible Procurement

Procurement policy

The suppliers' compliance with environmental criteria has a strong weighting in the awarding of contracts. Of particular interest here is the procurement of primary metal. Here, care must be taken to ensure that the electrical energy comes from renewable energy sources. Priority should therefore be given to primary aluminum producers who generate their electricity from natural water, wind or solar energy.

Needs analysis

The necessity of the procurement as well as its quantity or extent is to be examined. Possible alternatives to the purchase of a product such as the repair of the old equipment or the leasing of a new product as well as measures of the efficiency and synergy increase environmentally friendly aspects are to be represented. A critical and exact demand analysis is one of the most important steps of a pollution free procurement.

Procurement guidelines

Procurement guidelines fundamentally define company-wide technical, economic and ecological requirements for products to be procured. The properties must be precisely specified and economically measurable. The best ecological performance criteria, such as guideline values for electricity, gas or water consumption, noise, cleanliness of exhaust gas from equipment, and maintenance and disposal costs, must be aimed for. When bidding for equipment, ask for criteria of economic efficiency calculation. The criteria are:

• Consumptions during operation

• Longevity of the plant, component or equipment

• Scope of wear parts

• Maintenance effort

• Ease of maintenance

• Availability of spare and wear parts or necessary stocking of spare and wear parts

The following additional criteria must be evaluated when awarding the contract

• Compliance with social standards (see Supplier Code of Conducts)

• Compliance with anti-corruption guidelines (see supplier's guidelines)

In the event that these guidelines are not available from the supplier, this information must be communicated to the management prior to awarding the contract.

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Anti-Corruption Policy

ALU-MET is a producer of high quality aluminum extrusion billets manufactured by remelting process. For ALU-MET it is important to behave with integrity towards all customers, suppliers, employees, authorities and public bodies as well as other interest groups. This claim is written down in the ALU-MET mission statement and in the ALU-MET social standards and represents the basis for the entrepreneurial actions of the management, the management and the staff. The implementation as well as the behavior of the ALU-MET management and employees is concretized and described in more detail in this guideline. In particular, the following is to be observed:

Bribery/ Corruptibility

No bribes or other illegal payments may be offered, made or accepted.

The granting of personal advantages, in particular of a monetary nature such as payments and loans, including the granting of small gifts over a longer period of time by ALU-MET and its employees to public officials (such as civil servants or employees in public service) with the aim of obtaining advantages for ALU-MET or themselves or third parties is not permitted. Monetary personal advantages to employees of other companies in return for preferential treatment in competition and business dealings may neither be offered, promised, granted nor approved. Likewise, personal benefits of value may neither be demanded nor accepted in dealings with business partners. ALU-MET obligates its employees not to allow themselves to be promised any such advantages.

The management and employees of ALU-MET may not offer, promise, demand, grant or accept gifts, payments, invitations or services in business dealings which are granted with the intention of influencing a business relationship in an inadmissible manner or where there is a risk of jeopardizing the professional independence of the business partner. This is generally not the case with gifts and invitations that are within the scope of customary business hospitality, custom and courtesy. ALU-MET can issue a binding guideline for the acceptance and granting of gifts, invitations to entertainment and events. This can regulate exceptions with regard to appropriate low-value and symbolic gifts, appropriate business meals and appropriate events of the own company as well as of business partners (customers, suppliers).

Antitrust law (conduct towards competitors)

ALU-MET respects fair competition. The applicable laws that protect and promote competition, in particular the applicable antitrust laws and other laws regulating competition, are observed.

In dealing with competitors, these regulations prohibit in particular agreements and other activities that influence prices or conditions, allocate sales territories or customers, or impede free and open competition in an impermissible manner. Furthermore, these regulations prohibit agreements between customers and suppliers aimed at restricting customers' freedom to determine their prices and other conditions autonomously when reselling (price and condition fixing).

Examples of antitrust violations:

• Price/quantity/condition agreements

• Exchange of secret market information

• Calls for boycotts against market participants

• Behavior towards market participants / authorities / courts and other governmental and public institutions

Significance for the employees

The implementation of this guideline is an important concern for ALU-MET, which is why any failure to comply with the obligations will be taken seriously and punished. Violations will result in disciplinary measures. These depend on the severity of the violation and, in the most extreme case, can lead to extraordinary termination. In order to implement this ethical code of conduct, every employee is required to familiarize himself or herself with the described standards and to actively live by them. All ALU-MET employees are requested to report indications of any criminal offences, abuses and special risks to their supervisor or the management. ALU-MET will not tolerate any form of discrimination against anyone who makes such a report.

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Social Standards

Human rights

Internationally recognized human rights are respected and compliance with them is demanded. Forced and compulsory labor is rejected. No one is employed or forced to work against their will. Any form of child labor is rejected. At a minimum, the regulations of ILO Convention 138 regarding the minimum age for employment and the prohibition of child labor are observed.

Compliance with laws

Compliance with applicable laws, ordinances and equivalent regulations is mandatory.

Occupational safety

Safety and health protection at the workplace are ensured at least within the framework of the applicable national regulations. The aim is to continuously improve health protection and to prevent accidents and health impairments arising from, connected with or occurring in the course of work by reducing the causes of hazards in the working environment as far as possible.

Environmental protection

As a remelting plant for aluminum scrap, protecting the environment and using resources sparingly are integral parts of the company's business model.


In employment, the principle of equal opportunity must be upheld and all discrimination must be avoided. Employees shall not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, disability, ethnic or cultural origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation. Unacceptable treatment of workers, such as psychological hardship or sexual and personal harassment, is rejected and punished. Remuneration is based exclusively on the principle of performance.

Remuneration and working time

Employees have the right to fair remuneration. The applicable regulations on minimum wages are observed. Working hours and non-working hours must at least comply with the laws in force in the respective country.

Social responsibility

We make an appropriate contribution to further training and employment. We support the participation of our employees in institutions and associations that serve the good of the community.

Pregnancy and reemployment

Special care and attention is given to pregnant employees. During pregnancy leave, the employee is informed about and invited to all team-building activities. During reintegration after the end of maternity leave, an attempt is made to meet the demands of the female employees.

Freedom of association

The right of employees to unite, join a union, appoint representation and be elected to such representation is respected.

Prohibition of corruption and bribery

No bribes or other illegal payments may be offered, made or accepted. In dealings with business partners and government institutions, the interests of the company and the private interests of employees on both sides are strictly separated. Actions and decisions are made free of extraneous considerations and personal interests.

Dealing with violations and complaints

Verstöße gegen diese Standards werden nicht toleriert. Alle ALU-MET-Beschäftigten sind aufgefor­dert, Hinweise auf etwaige Verstöße zu melden. Meldungen können vertraulich beim Betriebsrat, anonym in einem Beschwerdebriefkasten, per Mail an help@alu-met.com oder per Telefon +43 5524 222 242 10 erfolgen. ALU-MET duldet keine Form von Benachteiligung von Personen, die eine der­artige Meldung erstatten.

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Complaint management and reports in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act

If you have any information about possible violations, e.g. in the areas of human rights, compliance or data protection, such as discrimination, mobbing, health hazards, corruption, data protection violations, environmental pollution hazards, etc. or any other complaints, we kindly ask you to submit them to the Alu-met Group in one of the following ways.

Complaint Management

Biodiversity Action Plan

In 2020, Speedline Aluminium Gießerei GmbH commissioned pulswerk GmbH to conduct a biodiversity analysis. The analysis paid particular attention to sensitive habitats within the company's sphere of influence, the spread of invasive alien species (neobiota), and the potential for improving existing habitats or creating new ones on the company premises. Recommendations were developed by pulswerk and adopted by Speedline in an action plan. The measures listed in the action plan are evaluated and implemented.

Measures implemented since 2020:

Management plan neophytes

A specialist company was commissioned to professionally remove the neophytes (Canada goldenrod and annual professional weed) occurring on the plant premises.

Insect friendly outdoor lighting

The outdoor lighting is controlled with twilight switches and timers. Only those areas are illuminated which are absolutely necessary.

be(e) RESPONSIBLE bee sponsorship

Speedline has taken over a bee sponsorship for 2 bee colonies. The company Ländle Imker has been operating two beehives on Speedline's premises since the summer of 2021.

Feeding stations for wild birds

During the winter months, several bird feeders are available for wild birds on Speedline's premises.

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Sustainability Report

Alu-met GmbH, located in Nüziders in Vorarlberg, is an independent producer and supplier of aluminum extrusion billets. The production of the extrusion billets takes place in two own remelting foundries of Speedline Aluminium Gießerei GmbH in Schlins in Austria and Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt (AGN) in Germany. Sustainability is a basic principle of business policy at Alu-met with its affiliated companies. In this role, we assume a general responsibility for ecological, economic and social concerns. The sustainable management in our plants and companies secures our national and also international competitiveness. We also focus on our workforce, to whom we offer a safe, sustainable and attractive working environment with outstanding social and occupational safety standards.

Sustainability Report (PDF 44 pages, only in german available at the moment)


Tradition meets progress

Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt (AGN) in the Ruhr region near Dortmund combines tradition with state-of-the-art production technology and has thus positioned itself very well in the market. Since the takeover by Alu-met GmbH in 1999, the annual capacity of the aluminum smelting plant has more than doubled thanks to extensive investments in technical innovations. Production capacity has been increased from 30,000 tons to 84,000 tons of alloy 6000 extrusion billets.


Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt

Hagener Str. 145-149

D-58769 Nachrodt

+49 2352 93850




Dr. Gerhard Anger

Managing Director

Frank Hildebrandt

Betriebsleitung Produktion


Marc Flühsöh

Betriebsleitung Qualität

Facts & Figures

Annual capacity: 84.000 to

Casting process: Wagstaff

Diameters (in mm): 178 / 203 / 216 / 229 / 247 / 254 / 279 / 290 / 305 / 348

Length: up to 7.000 mm max.

Corporate Policy


For us, the management policy forms one of the foundations of our entrepreneurial activities. We are aware that compliance with this policy and the achievement of our corporate objectives can only be ensured by informed, committed and competent employees. We therefore ensure that all employees are involved in the improvement processes within the scope of their capabilities and assignments and that they are provided with the necessary resources to perform their tasks. The continuous improvement of our performance underlies our daily activities. The adoption of the management policy by the management means that the plant's workforce is responsible for quality assurance and environmental protection. Our management system is successful because it is supported by all employees.

We maintain an open dialog with all social groups. In particular, we work cooperatively with authorities, specialized service providers and social organizations to meet tomorrow's requirements today.

Principles of our management policy

The management policy is based on four pillars.

Pillar one: Occupational safety , health protection and social standards

Ensuring the safety of our employees and maintaining our social standards is our top priority. All processes and actions must be subordinate to ensuring the safety of employees and service providers. We actively practice preventive occupational safety and thoroughly analyze unsafe conditions, near misses and accidents. The management is designed to keep the sensitivity at the highest level . We respect and protect human rights, ensure and promote equal opportunities and prevent any form of discrimination and exploitation in all our business processes. Active and preventive occupational health and safety to maintain the health and working capacity of employees and provide safe and healthy workplaces.

Pillar two: Environmental protection

The protection of the environment and the sustainable use of resources and the reduction of waste are of central importance to us. Waste is recycled wherever possible. Through continuous improvement of our management system as well as process optimization, based on the implementation of improved standards or investments, we increase our environmental performance and achieve a constant reduction of specific C02 emissions. Due to our specialization as an aluminum remelting plant, we use secondary aluminum and return it to a new use cycle. The resulting reduction in energy consumption is approximately 18 times lower than if primary aluminum were used.

Pillar three: Product quality

The quality of our products is based on the needs of our customers. The quality is subject to continuous optimization and improvement , so that our customers our products with high reliability and best processing properties pass through the customers' processes. Through stable and most precisely defined standards and measuring equipment we achieve a high process stability, which avoids non-achievement of the quality specifications.

Pillar four: Energy efficiency

Effizienter Energieeinsatz - Schonung der Energieressourcen und Optimierung der Produktionkosten ist zentraler Bestanteil unserer Managementpolitik. Die Steigerung der energiebezogenen Leistung ist das oberste Ziel des Energiemanagementsystems . Wir unterstützen die Beschaffung energieeffizienter Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Auswirkungen auf unsere energiebezogene Leistung haben . Dabei berücksichtigen wir die Auslegung der zu beschaffenden Produkte und Leistungen. Durch kontinuierliche Optimierung unserer Anlagen und Prozesse wollen wir Energieverschwendung vermeiden und unsere Produktionskosten senken. Dabei erleichtert eine regelmäßige und genaue Erm ittlung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energieleistungskennzahlen die Identifikation von Optimierungspotentialen. Die Reduktion des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs ist durch jährlich aktualisierte Zielvorgaben für Erdgas, Strom, Diesel und Sauerstoff definiert. Das Managementsystem regelt die Erreichung der Ziele und schafft ein konstruktives Umfeld, welches es allen Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, zur erfolgreichen Zielerfüllung beizutragen. Durch regelmäßige Überprüfungen und Begehungen wird die Einhaltung dieser Unternehmenspolitik im betrieblichen Alltag überprüft. Die Managementpolitik und alle einschlägigen Anforderungen bezüglich des Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutzes , der Eneregieeffizienz, des Energieverbrauchs und des Energieeeinsatzes sowie andere Verpflichtungen sind von jedem Mitarbeiter einzuhalten.

SHE regulations for partner companies

1. Summary

These work instructions describe the obligatory safety, health and environmental rules of conduct for partner companies during activities on the premises of Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt.

2. areas affected / activities / exclusions / period of validity

This work instruction applies to partner companies and their employees. This work instruction is valid indefinitely.

3. Definitions

SHE: Safety, Health, Environment

AGN: Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt

Partner companies: Outside companies that perform regular services on AGN's premises.

4. Description

4.1 Registration

Access to the plant premises is only permitted after prior registration. Visitors and employees of partner companies must therefore register in the visitors' handbook in the entrance area (reception) before each access and register by telephone with the responsible contact person. After registration, the responsible contact person will carry out the annual safety briefing, if this has not yet been carried out. Before leaving the plant, the end of work must be entered in the visitors' handbook. This measure serves in particular in emergencies to determine the persons present on the company premises.

4.2 Driving on the plant premises

Driving on the company premises is only permitted at walking pace (max. 10 km/h). The road traffic regulations apply, and priority must always be given to internal transport. Driving between stacks of billets or ingots is prohibited and attention must always be paid to internal traffic by forklifts, wheel loaders, as well as cars and trucks. Parking of vehicles is only allowed in designated parking areas or by issuance of a parking permit by the responsible contact person. Short stops in front of the workshop are permitted exclusively for loading activities and in consultation with the responsible contact person. For bolt loading and scrap unloading, as well as for deliveries (e.g. gas delivery) and collections (e.g. waste collection), the specified loading and unloading areas are to be used. In any case, no emergency facilities such as fire department access roads, escape route doors, hydrants or other facilities may be obstructed or impeded by this.

4.3 Personal protective equipment

On the entire plant premises, safety shoes, high-visibility vests and, in the plant halls, hard hats, safety goggles, hearing protection, closed, tight-fitting and long-sleeved work clothes, long pants and, depending on the activity to be performed, further specific protective equipment must be worn. The personal protective equipment must be provided by the partner company and meet the requirements for foundries (no provision by AGN). The employee(s) must use the Personal Protective Equipment provided for its intended purpose.

4.4 Entering the plant premises and production halls

Always use the marked walkways to get to the work site. Only those operating areas may be visited in which the activities planned by the partner company are to be carried out. It is forbidden to stay in the dangerous area of scrap unloading and bolt loading. Both in the outdoor area and transport activities are to be expected both in the outdoor area and in the production halls. Always keep a sufficient safety distance from internal transport vehicles and, when approaching, seek a safe place until the vehicle has passed.

4.5 Danger to life from liquid aluminum

At AGN, liquid aluminum is worked with at temperatures of approx. 740°C. There is a danger to life if there is insufficient knowledge of how to handle liquid aluminum. Therefore, sufficient distance to the melting and casting furnaces as well as the associated plant components (transfer, casting table, casting pit, etc.) must always be maintained. During the start of casting and at the end of casting, it is forbidden to remain within a radius of approx. 10 m from the casting table. This process is indicated by warning lights on the casting equipment and all uninvolved persons must immediately move behind the warning lights. Only after the warning lights have gone out is it permitted to pass through the danger zone again. Due to the high risk of explosion when molten aluminum comes into contact with liquid media, especially in closed containers, it is strictly forbidden to take any liquids, gas lighters or spray cans into the production halls. Under no circumstances should waste be added to the aluminum. Beverage cans, pressurized gas packs or other aluminum waste must always be disposed of in the waste containers provided.

4.6 Electromagnetic fields

An electromagnetic agitator is installed below the melting furnace which produces a low-frequency magnetic field. Persons with pacemakers, implanted hearing aids or insulin pumps, artificial joints, implanted screws, plates, etc. must keep a minimum distance of 10 meters from the agitator. Objects such as wristwatches, credit cards, cell phones, sensitive measuring instruments, etc. can be damaged by the magnetic fields and must therefore also be kept away. AGN accepts no liability for damage or health impairments in the event of non-observance.

4.7 General safety measures when performing work

The warning notices and safety markings affixed in the various danger areas must be observed. The danger area resulting from the execution of work by the partner company must be properly secured and marked. Emergency facilities such as emergency exits, escape and traffic routes, fire extinguishing equipment, fire alarms and control cabinets must always be kept free and usable. Only activities corresponding to his expertise may be carried out, and the employee(s) of the partner company must ensure before starting the activity that no persons or objects are endangered or come to harm. If necessary, additional protective measures are to be defined in agreement with the responsible contact person. It is forbidden to remain under suspended loads and in the danger zone of travel paths. Activities may only be carried out from secured standing positions and suitable ascents and descents must always be used. Activities involving a risk of falling may only be carried out using tested and approved rope protection systems. Work on electrical systems may only be carried out by qualified personnel. The safety rules for handling electrical current and all electrotechnical regulations must be observed. Repair and maintenance work may only be carried out in coordination with the person responsible for the system or the responsible contact person. For this purpose, the machines or the corresponding sections of the systems must be shut down and secured against being switched on again. When working on shutdown equipment, any residual energy such as heat or pressurized equipment must be taken into account. Safety devices that have been removed or deactivated due to work must be

properly reattached at the end of the work. If work safety regulations cannot be observed due to work-related reasons, or if safety-related deficiencies are detected, this must be reported immediately to the responsible contact person. Activities in confined spaces or in containers are only permitted if it can be proven that a sufficient oxygen concentration is ensured and no hazardous substances are present. If necessary, measurements, mechanical ventilation or self-contained breathing apparatus are required.

4.8 Use of work equipment

AGN equipment, machines and tools must never be used without the express permission of the responsible contact person. Work equipment must be used as intended and in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions. Work equipment must always be checked for obvious defects before use. Defective equipment or work equipment with removed protective devices must not be used. The self-propelled work equipment available in the company, such as forklifts, wheel loaders, etc., as well as cranes and risers, may also only be put into operation with the written permission of the responsible contact person.

4.9 Use of working materials

If working materials such as cleaning agents, lubricants or other auxiliary materials are required for the execution of the activities, this must be coordinated in advance with the responsible contact person. The use of working materials, e.g. for cleaning, must not give rise to any additional risks. Information on protective measures when handling the substances must be kept available in the form of safety data sheets or operating instructions.

4.10 Fire prevention and explosion protection

Smoking is absolutely prohibited on the entire company premises, except in the designated and marked areas (information is to be obtained from the responsible contact person). Fire- and explosion-hazardous activities, in particular hot work such as welding, cutting, soldering, separating, thawing, heating, scarfing, separating grinding, burning off as well as activities with open flames, sparks or heat generation, may only be carried out after written approval has been obtained from the responsible contact person. This also applies in general to all activities in areas subject to fire and explosion hazards (diesel filling station, hazardous materials storage, UPS system, working pit, etc.).

4.11 Cleanliness, order and environmental protection

The workplace, the working environment and all storage, transport and recreation areas are to be kept clean and tidy. After completion of the work, the work area must be completely tidied up and left clean. Packaging material, empty containers and waste must be removed independently and disposed of separately. All residual quantities of supplied and processed hazardous substances are to be taken back and disposed of properly. Spilling of chemicals in the operating area is strictly prohibited (also no residual quantities). Devices are to be switched off as far as possible at the end of work or during work interruptions (avoidance of standby).

4.12 Emergency organization

The internal emergency organization can be seen on the notice boards. Before starting work, the information required for emergencies must be obtained independently by the employee(s) of the partner company (notices, locations of emergency facilities, emergency numbers, etc.). Accidents at work, accidents involving damage to property and

fire incidents must be reported immediately to the responsible contact person.

4.13 Plant safety

Access to secured areas is only permitted in consultation with the responsible contact person. Secured doors and access points must always be kept closed and must be locked after work has been completed. The chip keys provided by AGN for the performance of work must be returned after the end of the activity. Photography or filming is prohibited throughout the company. Copying documents or records, as well as passing on confidential information to outsiders, is also expressly prohibited. If, in exceptional cases, photographs or recordings are required for work-related reasons, these may only be made with the approval of the responsible contact person.


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Data privacy information for suppliers

Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRB5440,

UID-Nr. DE 812227821

Bank details: Hypovereinsbank Essen Sort Code: 360 201 86, Account No.: 340 359 011

IBAN: DE53 3602 0186 0340 3590 11, SWIFT (BIC): HYVE DE MM 360



With the following information, we provide you as a supplier of our company with an overview of the processing of your personal data by us and your rights. If you are not a natural person as our contractual partner and supplier, please forward this information to the persons whose personal data we process because they are our contact persons or mentioned on documents such as invoices and delivery bills.



Responsible are we, the

AGN - Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt

Hagener Straße 145-149

D - 58769 Nachrodt

Telefon: +49 2352 9385-0

E-Mail: Datenschutz@agn-met.de

You can reach our data protection officer as follows:

Herrn Dipl.-Inform. Olaf Tenti

GDI Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit mbH

Körnerstraße 45

58095 Hagen

E-Mail: datenschutz@gdi-mbh.eu


We process data that you provide to us or that we have received from third parties under existing contracts or with your permission. In particular, the following personal data and categories of data are processed for the purposes mentioned in section 3:

  • • Personal data (first name, last name, business address, telephone number, e-mail address)
  • • Payment information such as bank details or data for Internet-based payment services
  • • Contracts concluded
  • • Offers
  • • Orders
  • • Order confirmations
  • • Delivery notes / proof of work
  • • Invoices


In the following, we inform you about what we process your data for and on what legal basis.


The processing of personal data is carried out for the fulfillment of the contract concluded with you and is also necessary for this purpose.

3.2 IN THE PROCUREMENT OF INTEREST (Art. 6 para. 1 letter f DS-GVO)

We may also use your data on the basis of a balance of interests to protect the legitimate interests of us or of third parties

This may be done in particular for the following purposes:

  • General business management
  • Assertion of legal claims and defense in legal disputes
  • Verhinderung und Aufklärung von Straftaten - Gewährleistung der IT-Sicherheit und des IT-Betriebes

For your personal safety and for the prevention of criminal acts against the company, video surveillance takes place on the company premises [in publicly accessible areas]. We store the video data for a period of 7 days (AGN company agreement on the use of video surveillance systems). Our interest in the respective processing results from the respective purposes and is otherwise of an economic nature (efficient task fulfillment, sales, avoidance of legal risks).

3.3 BASED ON YOUR CONSENT (Art. 6 para. 1 letter a DSGVO)

Insofar as you have given us your consent to process personal data, the respective consent is the legal basis for the processing mentioned there. Consent can be revoked at any time. This also applies to the revocation of declarations of consent that were given before the applicability of the GDPR, i.e. before May 25, 2018. The revocation only takes effect for the future. Processing that took place before the revocation is not affected.


We may process your data to the extent necessary to fulfill legal obligations, in particular legal obligations to which we are subject. This relates in particular to the storage and disclosure of contractual data and supporting documents within the scope of statutory accounting and auditing obligations.


Your data will only be passed on if a legal basis permits this. The data mentioned under point 2 will be transferred to government agencies if there is a legal obligation or you have given your consent to this transfer. Such government agencies may be, in particular, the tax authorities, the customs administration, but also the trade supervisory authorities. Within our company, your data will only be disclosed to those bodies that need it to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations or to perform their respective tasks. Furthermore, personal data may be passed on to tax consultants, IT service providers or similar for the purpose of order processing.

This is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligations (see section 3). In addition, the processors we use (Art. 28 DS-GVO), especially in the area of IT services, may process your data for us in accordance with your instructions. In order to assess the risk of concluding a contract, it is possible that we send your personal data to a credit agency or request information about you there. This transfer is permitted pursuant to Art. 6 (1f) DS-GVO because we pursue legitimate interests by limiting the economic risk. The credit bureaus evaluate the information collected by us and others and provide us with an assessment of the risk of default in individual cases. Possible partners of this data exchange are:

Creditreform Hagen Berkey & Riegel KG

Riemerschmidstr. 1-3 I

58093 Hagen

Privacy information: https://www.creditreform.de/hagen


As far as necessary, we process your personal data for the duration of the contract. After that, deletion generally takes place after 2 years. We are subject to various storage and documentation obligations, which result, among other things, from the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Fiscal Code (AO). The retention and documentation periods specified there are two to ten years. Finally, the storage period is also assessed according to the statutory limitation periods, which are generally three years, for example, according to §§ 195 ff. of the German Civil Code (BGB).


We do not transfer your data to countries outside the European Economic Area EEA (third countries).


You have the right to information (Art. 15 DS-GVO, § 34 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)), to correction (Art. 16 DS-GVO), to deletion (Art. 17 DS-GVO, § 35 BDSG), to restriction of processing (Art. 18 DS-GVO), to objection (Art. 21 DS-GVO) as well as to data portability (Art. 20 DS-GVO) under the respective legal conditions.

You also have a right of appeal to a data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 DS-GVO, § 19 BDSG).


We do not process your data in a system that automatically makes decisions with legal effect for you. We also do not process your data with the aim of evaluating certain personal aspects (so-called profiling).


You are not required by law to provide us with personal data. However, if you do not provide us with the data that is necessary for the conclusion and processing of the contract, as well as the data that we must collect and process for legal reasons upon and after the conclusion of the contract, the conclusion of a contract will generally not be possible.


You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the DSGVO (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests); this also applies to profiling based on this provision within the meaning of Article 4(4) of the DSGVO. If you object, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. The objection can be made form-free and should preferably be directed to the contact options mentioned under point 1.

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Video Surveillance

Responsible is:

Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt

Hagener Str. 145-149

DE - 58769 Nachrodt

+49 2352 9385 0


Purposes / Legal Basis: Vandalism prevention / house rules

Duration of storage: 5 days

Legitimate Interests: Property protection

Information on the rights of the data subjects

The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation from the controller as to whether personal data concerning him or her are being processed; if this is the case, he or she has a right of access to such personal data and to the information specified in Article 15 of the GDPR. The data subject has the right to obtain from the controller the rectification without delay of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her and, where applicable, the completion of incomplete personal data (Art. 16 GDPR). The data subject has the right to request the controller to erase personal data concerning him or her without undue delay if one of the reasons listed in detail in Art. 17 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data is no longer needed for the purposes pursued (right to erasure). The data subject has the right to request the controller to restrict processing if one of the conditions listed in Art. 18 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data subject has objected to the processing, for the duration of the controller's review. The data subject has the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her. The controller shall then no longer process the personal data unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims (Article 21 GDPR). Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to him or her infringes the GDPR (Art. 77 GDPR). The data subject may assert this right before a supervisory authority in the Member State of his or her residence, place of work or the place of the alleged infringement. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the competent supervisory authority is:

State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Kavalleriestr. 2-4, 40213 Düsseldorf,

Telefon: 0211/38424-0, poststelle@ldi.nrw.de

Data Protection Officer:

Olaf Tenti

GDI Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und

Informationssicherheit mbH

Fleyer Straße 61

DE - 58097 Hagen

+49 2331 / 356 832 0


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At the pulse of time

The Speedline aluminum foundry in Schlins, Vorarlberg, is considered one of the most modern and efficient aluminum remelting plants in Europe. The total annual capacity is 96,000 tons of alloy 6000 extrusion billets, and the plant has been continuously optimized since its opening in 2008. Increasing capacities, higher safety standards and higher energy efficiency with falling emission levels are the result of a continuous improvement process.


Speedline Aluminium Gießerei GmbH

Illwinkel 2

A-6824 Schlins

+43 5524 22224




Dr. Gerhard Anger

Dr. Gerhard Anger

Managing Director

Alexander Plakolm

Division Management Production

Stefan Schrottenbaum

Division Management Technology

Patrick Fuchs

Patrick Fuchs

Head of Finance / Procurator

Johannes Pallhuber


Facts & Figures

Annual capacity: 96,000 to

Casting process: Wagstaff

Diameters (in mm): 178 / 203 / 229 / 254 / 305

Billet length: up to max. 8.000 mm

Corporate Policy


For us, the management policy forms one of the foundations of our entrepreneurial activities. We are aware that compliance with this policy and the achievement of our corporate goals can only be ensured by informed, committed and competent employees. We therefore ensure that all employees are involved in the improvement processes within the scope of their capabilities and assignments and that they are provided with the necessary resources to perform their tasks. The continuous improvement of our performance underlies our daily activities. The adoption of the management policy by the management means that the plant's workforce is responsible for quality assurance and environmental protection. Our management system is successful because it is supported by all employees. We maintain an open dialogue with all social groups . In particular, we work cooperatively with authorities, specialized service providers and social organizations in order to meet tomorrow's requirements today.

Principles of our management policy

The management policy is based on four pillars.

Pillar one: Occupational safety , health protection and social standards

Ensuring the safety of our employees and maintaining our social standards is our top priority. All processes and actions must be subordinate to ensuring the safety of employees and service providers. We actively practice preventive occupational safety and thoroughly analyze unsafe conditions, near misses and accidents. The management is designed to keep the sensitivity at the highest level . We respect and protect human rights, ensure and promote equal opportunities and prevent any form of discrimination and exploitation in all our business processes. Active and preventive occupational health and safety to maintain the health and working capacity of employees and provide safe and healthy workplaces.

Pillar two: Environmental protection

The protection of the environment and the sustainable use of resources and the reduction of waste are of central importance to us. Waste is recycled wherever possible. Through continuous improvement of our management system as well as process optimization, based on the implementation of improved standards or investments, we increase our environmental performance and achieve a constant reduction of specific C02 emissions. Due to our specialization as an aluminum remelting plant, we use secondary aluminum and return it to a new use cycle. The resulting reduction in energy consumption is approximately 18 times lower than if primary aluminum were used.

Pillar three: Product quality

The quality of our products is based on the needs of our customers. The quality is subject to continuous optimization and improvement , so that our customers our products with high reliability and best processing properties pass through the customers' processes. Through stable and most precisely defined standards and measuring equipment we achieve a high process stability, which avoids non-achievement of the quality specifications.

Pillar four: Energy efficiency

Effizienter Energieeinsatz - Schonung der Energieressourcen und Optimierung der Produktionkosten ist zentraler Bestanteil unserer Managementpolitik. Die Steigerung der energiebezogenen Leistung ist das oberste Ziel des Energiemanagementsystems . Wir unterstützen die Beschaffung energieeffizienter Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Auswirkungen auf unsere energiebezogene Leistung haben . Dabei berücksichtigen wir die Auslegung der zu beschaffenden Produkte und Leistungen. Durch kontinuierliche Optimierung unserer Anlagen und Prozesse wollen wir Energieverschwendung vermeiden und unsere Produktionskosten senken. Dabei erleichtert eine regelmäßige und genaue Erm ittlung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energieleistungskennzahlen die Identifikation von Optimierungspotentialen. Die Reduktion des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs ist durch jährlich aktualisierte Zielvorgaben für Erdgas, Strom, Diesel und Sauerstoff definiert. Das Managementsystem regelt die Erreichung der Ziele und schafft ein konstruktives Umfeld, welches es allen Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, zur erfolgreichen Zielerfüllung beizutragen. Durch regelmäßige Überprüfungen und Begehungen wird die Einhaltung dieser Unternehmenspolitik im betrieblichen Alltag überprüft. Die Managementpolitik und alle einschlägigen

requirements regarding environmental protection, occupational health and safety, energy efficiency, energy consumption and use, and other obligations must be met by every employee.

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