Our World

How we think and act



Alu-met Unabhängigkeit


Mitarbeiter mit Bolzen


Speedline-Aluminium- Giesstisch


Günter Steinacher


Respect & Responsibility

The most important pillar of our actions is the respectful treatment of our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners, as well as responsible decision-making in the interest of the environment and society. We are committed to this responsibility in relation to all of our company‘s activities.

Social security, a modern working environment and comprehensive occupational safety measures internally, as well as security of acceptance of purchased raw materials and compliance with delivery commitments to our customers are the primary goals for reliable and trustworthy partnerships.

With sustainable use of primary Aluminium from renewable energy sources as well as a high proportion of recycled Aluminium, we have reduced our carbon footprint to 1.9 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of extruded billet. This is an impressive mark in a European comparison, which, at an average of 6.7 tonnes, is more than three times as high.


Trust is the central element of our corporate philosophy and secures us a broad foundation of suppliers and customers. We have stood by our partners as a producer and service provider for many years. With a clear focus on continuity and the long term, we stand for reliability. Your trust is rewarded by us with top quality.

Long-term partnership

Respectful treatment and trusting cooperation are the groundwork for the development of our long-term and partnership-based collaboration with customers and suppliers. In dynamic markets with volatile framework conditions, successful cooperation is only possible with long-term business partners.


The responsible selection of usable scrap and raw materials is the basis of the sustainable production process of our remelt foundries. The energy consumption of our remelt foundries is only 5% compared to the production of primary aluminum from electrolysis. In recent years, we have been able to steadily reduce the consumption of energy-intensive primary aluminum through the growing use of recycled aluminum. With the help of stable supply chains and the strict, analytical separation of secondary raw materials, we are thus sustainably reducing our ecological footprint while ensuring the highest quality standards for our customers.

High recycling Aluminium input

Reliable partnerships and a comprehensive supplier network ensure the supply of scrap to our plants. The continuous development of technical equipment and processes supports the steadily increasing recycling rate of our company.

Grünes Primäraluminium

Green primary aluminium

In the production of primary aluminum, the choice of energy source has the greatest environmental impact. The purchase of 100% "Green Aluminum" from renewable energy sources has the highest priority and ensures us a small carbon footprint.

Small CO2 footprint

By constantly optimising the use of raw materials in terms of quality and quantity, we have achieved an impressively small footprint while maintaining consistently high product quality. With 1.9 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of extruded billet, we have achieved a top position in Europe.

Closed Loop Recycling

Closed Loop Recycling

As an independent partner, we offer our customers secure and high-quality reprocessing of their process scrap with short transport routes.


Trust is the central element of our corporate philosophy.

We are aware of our responsibility towards our employees and business partners.

Alu-met Unabhängigkeit


We are an independent manufacturer of extrusion billets. As a group of companies with two remelting cast houses, we make strategic decisions independently and are not in direct competition with our customers.

Büro Alu-met


Trust is the basis for continuity. Continuity is the key to success in a market driven by dynamics and volatility. We are proud to rely on a broad base of long-standing partners on the customer and supplier side.

Alu-met Legierungen


We are aware of our social responsibility. Reliable cooperations ensure job security as well as stable delivery performance and acceptance security. The „ASI Chain of Custody“ certification, successfully implemented in February 2022, underlines the respectful treatment of employees, suppliers and customers in our daily work.

TÜV Süd ISO9001
ISO-Zertifikat TUEV


In order to subject occupational safety and management to objective control, our entire group of companies is certified in accordance with ISO standards 9001, 14001, 45001 and 50001.


The more demanding the markets are, the more important flexibility becomes, which we meet every day.

Short decision-making processes and our geographical positioning help us to guarantee this flexibility.

Close to you

Our remelting plants are located in the heart of Europe. Thanks to short distances, we offer the necessary room for manoeuvre for the creation of successful partnerships in dynamic markets.

Two remelting plants for highest reliability

Delivery reliability for our customers is top priority. Two redundant locations in Germany and Austria ensure the flexibility and reliability of our delivery performance.

Dr. Gerhard Anger

Short decision-making routes

A volatile market demands quick decisions. As an independent company with a flat hierarchy, we live short decision-making procedures and reliable statements according to the principle of „one face to the customer“.

Wide range of specifications

A broad customer portfolio in various industries underlines our valuable experience with customer-specific wishes and needs. We can serve a wide range of dimensions and chemical analysis.


Two sites with comparable production infrastructure ensure top quality and high delivery reliability for our customers. Ongoing investments in our facilities throughout the production process are essential to stay one step ahead of ever-increasing demands for quality and sustainability.

Casting technology

Our vertical continuous casting plants from the market leader Wagstaff Inc. are the basis for high product quality, characterised by high-quality surfaces and a minimal edge zone.

Energy efficiency

Through continuous improvements to existing production facilities as well as investments in new ones, we have been able to significantly reduce specific energy consumption over the past 10 years. Further savings potential and sustainable solutions in the area of burner technology as well as heat recovery have been and are being realised on an ongoing basis.


100% ultrasonic

Special industry requirements in quality control have been implemented at both production sites in the form of 100% ultrasonic testing.

Homogenisation Technology

For the particularly quality-relevant process step of homogenisation, we have chosen the Austrian furnace specialist Hertwich Engineering as our strategic partner. We are continuously expanding our capabilities in this area in order to be able to meet the increasing demand.



Foundation of Alu-met as a trading company by Mr. Günter Steinacher


Production of extrusion billets at Alu-Billets (Kempten) 30 kto billet capacity


Acquisition of Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt (AGN) 80 kto billet capacity


Sale of shares in Alu-Billets, Kempten


Production start of the „Greenfield project“ Speedline Aluminiumfoundry in Schlins


Death of the company founder Mr. Günter Steinacher


Foundation of the “GST Privatstiftung” as owner of Alu-met GmbH


New construction of melting furnace 5 in Nachrodt 150 kto total billet capacity


Wagstaff casting infrastructure at both locations


Possibility of 100% ultrasonic testing installed at both sites


Primary melting furnace with heat recovery installed at the Schlins site - 180 kto total capacity